The Look of Workplace Ministry

By Mike Henry Sr.

In an earlier post, we outlined the beginnings of a job description for workplace ministers. But what does workplace ministry look like?

Workplace Ministry is NOT

Before we talk about what workplace ministry is, let’s talk about what it is not. Workplace ministry is not doing what you do on Sunday while you’re at work. If your employer will let you start a bible study in the conference room after work, or a prayer chain newsletter to circulate, be thankful. But that’s not what I mean.

Workplaces are becoming more hostile to church-like displays of faith. Most of our coworkers have been there and done that. If they wanted to hear someone preach or take part in a prayer service, they could have gone to a church service on Sunday. We can not do Sunday stuff at work and expect people to respond to God. It may happen, but for the last century, fewer and fewer people succeed trying to “do church” at work. In many places now, people think the practice of religion in the workplace is against the law. (Note: In many cases, even if we are within the law, we create contention instead of living according to Romans 12:14-18.)

Most of our coworkers don’t want more “church.” Sure, many of us work with, or for, other Christians, but that fact alone doesn’t give us the freedom to simply move church (our religious practices) to work. Our job is to develop a missionary mindset. We change our way of thinking, and approach our job, our motivation and how we spend our time and energy differently. We work to remember our origin and our goal: to help others see Jesus.

Develop a Missionary Mindset

Therefore workplace ministers develop a missionary mindset. We are assigned to the workplace to know, appreciate, love and serve others. We help others see Christ in us. God is and was at work in our workplaces, long before we got there. We join him and do what he tells us to so we can work with him to carry out his goals in the lives of our friends and coworkers.

Can you think differently about your mindset and how you minister to others at your place of work? Or do you think I’ve lost my mind? Please share and let’s discuss, either here or in the community. May God show us how he wants us to represent him in our places of work.

Would you like to train yourself to minister full-time? Check out the Ministry Mindset Challenge! The challenge is a survey followed by a 4-week daily email designed to help you train your mind to minister to your coworkers, customers, friends and family. Check it out!

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4 Responses

  1. I love the phrase “be the hands and feet of Jesus”. If, while at work, we do the work of Jesus and follow his footsteps, we cannot fail.

  2. I maintain my motto about work and about every interaction with people. “Live your life in such a way that those who don’t know God will want to know him because they know you.” I saw that quote more than 15 years ago. I have no idea where it was, but I typed it an taped it to my computer and I practice it as much as possible.

  3. Mike, as I hope I’ve made clear, I am much in agreement with this. I don’t think going straight to “church at work” is as productive as it once was. I believe we have to show before we share, and share before we shepherd. At the same time, we should be prepared to gather to pray and study with willing colleagues in an appropriate space. The Gospel still needs to be spoken as well as acted — faith comes by hearing!

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