5 Dimensions of Discipleship with Dr. Charlie Self, Ep #139

By Mike Henry Sr.

In 2011, Dr. Charlie Self asked the question, “What does a healthy Christian look like 24/7? Can we measure that?” Dr. Self and colleagues Johan Mostert, and Jamé Bolds set out to figure out ways to articulate wholeness in Christ to help Christians grow in both their strengths and weaknesses. 

In 2013, they published an assessment tool to allow individuals to answer questions and receive a personal report. They’ve spent the last decade refining the work. Together, they wrote the book, “Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship,” to describe their new vision for discipleship.

In this episode of Follower of One, Dr. Charlie Self talks about the dynamic nature of discipleship. He shares how the book and assessment can be used as a tool to increase biblical outcomes in individuals and organizations. 

Outline of the Episode

  • Learn more about Pastor and Professor Dr. Charlie Self [1:08]
  • Learn about Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship [5:51]
  • The dynamic nature of discipleship [12:26] 
  • Your workplace is your ministry [14:02] 
  • “May I add value to one person today” [17:32] 
  • How “Life in 5D” can impact you personally [19:35] 
  • Everyone has the capacity to be influential [27:03] 
  • Learn more about Johan Mostert and Jame Bolds [28:59]

Your workplace is your ministry

In 1987, Dr. Self left an abusive religious situation and it changed the trajectory of his life. He found himself in a different part of the country, working five different jobs to keep his family afloat. That’s when the sacred and secular divide ended for him. He realized that everything he does is to be offered to Christ. 

Too many people honoring God in their business have been told that they weren’t doing spiritual things. A former pastor was led by God to start a real estate business. They led scores of people to Christ and poured millions of dollars into the economy. Dr. Self was the first person who told him that he hadn’t left the ministry.

Dr. Self emphasizes that “We must honor the vocational power of all of God’s people.” Ultimately, ministry is service. If we serve others, we are in ministry. 

But how do we measure the impact that we’re making? How can we grow and create more biblical outcomes in our life? That’s where Dr. Self’s book can be a guide.

Learn about Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship

We often measure outputs instead of outcomes. We focus on things like church attendance, tithing, participation, etc. Dr. Self points out that an outcome would be how many people have finished a program and have a job. It’s how much more forgiveness, prayer, and stewardship at work is going on. 

“Life in 5D: A New Vision of Discipleship” identifies five dimensions (5D) and 35 outcomes that are rooted in scripture. 

Each person that completes the assessment receives a personalized report. If 20% of a church’s membership completes the assessments, it will give leaders an accurate snapshot of how the church is doing in those five dimensions:

  • Spiritual Formation (loving God)
  • Personal Wholeness (emotional health)
  • Healthy Relationships (loving our neighbor)
  • Vocational Clarity (living with a calling/purpose)
  • Economics and Work (daily life and labor)

All of these categories are in action while most of us are working. It is all meaningful and moral activity. The goal is to help individuals and leaders to move from output to outcome. 

How “Life in 5D” can impact you personally 

The book is meant to be encouraging and accessible to everyone. It introduces the idea of having a picture of wholeness in your life that’s biblical and measurable. The book walks readers through the different dimensions and outcomes with illustrations and scripture. They explain what it is to be led by the Spirit and dive into God’s word.

Throughout the book, you’re encouraged to take the assessment. The assessment takes 30–35 minutes and yields an 8–12 page report. It scores you from 0–100. Most people score in the 40s–80s. 

  • 0–25: Perhaps you’re new in your faith or discipleship is a new concept for you
  • 25–50: It means you’re starting to grow in faith and discipleship
  • 50–75: you’re getting solid but there’s room for improvement
  • 75–100: There’s room for growth but you can mentor others

The idea is that you begin to work on your weaknesses and strengthen your strengths. It also helps guide leaders in the direction they need to take. For example, one church recently completed the assessments and scored strongly on economics and work but their relational dynamics were weaker. 

So they infused relational content into their messages and small groups. One year later, when they redid the assessment, their relational score increased by 20 points. It’s about attaching outcomes to your church’s unique mission. Seminars, webinars, classes, sermons, etc. are the catalyst. It facilitates growth in everyone.

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