Can Versus Cannot – Philippians 4:13

By Tammy Burke

Do you catch yourself getting down about what you can’t do?

“I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13 NASB

Many people see this passage as some promise from God that we can do anything. But that’s not an accurate representation of this idea based on the context if this passage. At the time he wrote this Paul was in prison. He wasn’t able to do many things.

His thought was that whatever God had given him to do, he could do it because God would give him the strength. Whatever he had to face, he could face it because of who God is and what he does. He strengthens us.

This is the first of 20 “cans” that Dr. Neil Anderson laid out in the book Victory over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Your Identity In Christ. I don’t like to focus on the things I can’t do. Paul wasn’t concentrating on them either. He was saying that whatever he faced, he could face it because of the strength given by God.

Everything God calls us to do, we can do it through the strength he provides. We know he called us to love God and others. And we can find a number of other calls in scripture, too.

What is God asking you to do today? Maybe he’s bugging you to serve a coworker. Or maybe he wants you to do something unpleasant to help a problem customer. Maybe he wants you to befriend a fellow student. Today, God’s action for you will be something you can do in his strength. Let’s focus on the things we can do and be a blessing to the people we interact with today.

Let’s do what we can by following, listening to, and obeying Jesus. The rest is his problem.
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