God Supplies – Philippians 4:19

By Tammy Burke

Does God really supply all our needs?

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19 ESV.

In the book Victory Over The Darkness by Dr. Neil Anderson, this is the 2nd of the 20 “Cans” he lists on pages 115-117. I confess I don’t trust this verse as much as I might like to for a couple of reasons:

First, as an American, I have trouble separating needs from wants. Second, I see many people on our planet that don’t seem to have what they need. I confess, I don’t see many of them first hand because of where I live and work.  But I know they exist.

Third, it is very easy to think I earned a paycheck our built a business. I forget that even my breath came from God. My family came from him. When we’re young, the stuff we have was earned by someone else. My parents were most of what separated me from death when I was small.

So as I work on what I can do, I want to stretch my own ideas. If God supplied everything I have, he can do more. Paul is reminding the Philippians the will supply their needs. This gives me reason to know and trust that he can supply my needs too. So why would I worry about our finances?

Finally, I confess, this is a very Western perspective. I want to believe in the biggest God. I pray that he continues to use us (his people) to make this verse visible to our world.

Please take a minute and join our online community. There you can connect with others and you will find people who can help you do what God is calling you to do. He will supply your needs. He will give you the strength. Let’s chase God harder and farther than we ever have and see what happens. What have we go to lose?

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