Response to Judgment – John 8:11

By SAM Morrison

Response to Judgment

Response to Judgment - John 8:11 | Follower of One

Jesus didn’t condemn the woman caught in adultery. This whole story, which isn’t in some of the older bible manuscripts is still a great story. According to the ESV, this story is in different places in some other manuscripts and not included in some others. You can read the different commentaries on why or why not to include it. But we spoke Friday on judging others, and I often come to this story. We’ll see tomorrow that it lines up very well with Jesus teaching on judging others.

Jews clearly had laws against adultery. But the Romans did not. So the Jewish leaders would have brought an incident like this to Jesus. They couldn’t go to the Romans. This was between God and the Jews. Notice how Jesus is consistent in his teaching. He says here and in Luke 6:37 not to condemn or to judge. He’s quoted as saying not to judge unless we want to be judged in Matthew 7:1-2, also. We’re too guilty ourselves to show up in court.

Jesus also tells her two other things. Go, is the first one. That’s our first action item as followers of Jesus. We go. And the second, was “sin no more.” Our job is to walk with Jesus and obey him. We don’t judge others for missing the mark. We all miss it (Romans 3:23). But we all strive. This passage is consistent. Let’s not judge others. Let’s focus on ourselves. Today, let’s love others the way we would like to be loved.

Thank you for being a marketplace minister. Let’s focus on following Jesus rather than judging others.

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