What We’ve Seen and Heard – Acts 4:19-20

By SAM Morrison

What We’ve Seen and Heard

Peter and John had been arrested. Peter healed a lame beggar (Acts 2). Many people were turning to follow Jesus. The Jewish leaders didn’t like what was going on. So they arrested Peter and John late in the day and hold them in prison over night. The next morning, they hear their defense and send them away while they deliberate. After some discussion, they bring Peter and John back and tell them not to speak in Jesus’ name any more.

Then the passage. Peter and John basically say they will talk about what they have seen and heard. Their experience with Jesus was first-hand. They were more informed about Jesus than the men judging them. When it come to our own experience with Jesus, we’re the authority. We must examine our own story against the scripture, because God won’t contradict himself. But once we understand how Jesus has changed us, we can and should speak about our own experience. That’s what Peter and John told the authorities, too.

Our challenge is to live a life that proves what we believe. Then, when people ask us about it, just like they asked Peter and John about the 40 year old man who was healed, they speak about their own experience. We don’t have to convince anyone about Jesus or the good news. We only need to live a life that demonstrates the joy and excitement of following Jesus, and then, when people ask us, we simply speak for ourselves.

What have you seen and heard about Jesus first-hand? Think about it some more from Wednesday and practice stating it in short, 2-3 sentence explanations. Then, as we live out the first 4 daily activities, we’ll be ready when someone asks. We’ll get to talk first-hand about what we’ve seen and heard. When we do, we’ll experience great joy knowing Jesus gave us this opportunity and he prepared us, too.

This Sunday afternoon, if you’re on the Marketplace Mission Trip, we have a conference call to prepare for week 2. Next week we focus on putting these 5 lessons into practice. If you’re not on the mission trip, keep listening and go to MarketplaceMissionTrip.com to sign up for the next trip. It begins November 2. And invite a friend, too. We practice these activities 6 times a year with others so we will develop the habits to practice these 5 daily activities every day of the week. Join us?

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