Expectation and Experience Part 2 – Matthew 7:9-11

By SAM Morrison

Expectation and Experience Part 2

Expectation and Experience Part 2 - Matthew 7:9-11 | Follower of One

Do we expect God to punish us? Did we expect our parents to punish us? My relationship with God was like my relationship with my father. I thought if God knew everything about me he wouldn’t be happy. I tried to hide things from my parents and I tried to hide from God, too. As a result, my experience with God was a letdown. I didn’t see him do much for me, and I didn’t do much “for” him either.

But recently, I’ve begun to adjust my expectations of God. Don’t hear me say he is a divine vending machine. God is working his plan. He is saving everyone he can. We can join him and experience his life, his joy, and his peace, hope and love. Or we can go our own way and live selfishly. The end of that path is death.

Jesus continues his thought from our podcast yesterday by telling us about God’s character. Who doesn’t want to give good gifts to their kids? Who doesn’t want to see their children successful and happy? Why wouldn’t we also credit God with that same desire. He wants to see us excel forever.

Like yesterday, let’s expect God to be the loving father and almighty creator he is. Then we will see our chances to join him and we will experience his joy and purpose in our lives. Expect to see God work. Ask and keep asking. Don’t give up. Let the scripture inform you about Jesus, and then go and do what he says.

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