Wisdom From Obedience – Matthew 11:25

By SAM Morrison

Wisdom From Obedience

Wisdom From Obedience - Matthew 11:25 | Follower of One

Notice that God hides things from those who think they are wise. He reveals things to infants. What’s the difference here? When we obey Jesus like a child would obey his parents, he learns the will of God. We come to know Jesus and God’s wisdom through obedience, not study. Yes, we must study, but this passage tells us that even if we’re wise, and even if we study, we won’t get it unless we come like a child. (See Mark 10:14.)

In My Utmost for His Highest, Oswald Chambers suggests obedience to be the characteristic of children that sets them apart. When we do what we’re told like a child, we understand God more. He makes himself more known to us. We understand his ways more. We experience his presence and we grow more in him.

As I grow up in Jesus, I want to obey him better, more quickly, with less explanation. I don’t want to argue with God in my mind, or exercise judgment over the ideas he puts in my head. The more I argue, the less he asks me to do. If you’re a boss, you understand this, too. We don’t want to ask certain people to do things because we get a list of reasons why it can’t be done. Sometimes we want people who say yes, and go figure it out or go make it happen.

What do you need to just obey today? Ask God to give you an idea for a way to serve a coworker and then do it. Don’t question or filter the idea. Execute and trust God. He will reveal more of himself to you.

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