Practical Love for Others – John 13:34-35

By SAM Morrison

Practical Love for Others

Love is action. Jesus says this is a new commandment, but it is stated in Leviticus. What’s new is how Jesus did it. “Even as I have loved you.” All people will know we are disciples of Jesus if we love others the way he did. He just washed the feet of the man who would betray him.

I recently watched McFarland USA with Kevin Costner who played a white coach who took a job at this poor school in a poor town because he was out of options. Most of the people in the school were Mexican agriculture workers. They called him Blanco or White because he acted like he didn’t belong. He was embarrassed because he asked one of his team members to translate something for his father and then found out the father could speak perfect English. Only then did the coach realize that he didn’t understand the families of his team. So he did the work to get to know the people and built a legacy.

We can go through the motions, but others know when we’re faking it. If we spend our time at work only so we can get somewhere else, where our friends are, the people we work with get the message. They know we’re not as interested in them as we are our own people. We may be a tourist at work. I was. When I was in the freight business as a young man, I thought I was better than the freight business. And the people who worked with me knew it. It was only after Jesus began to transform me that I gained a genuine appreciation for people in the freight business.

The people we work with want to know we’re for them. We all want to be special to someone. And Jesus died for everyone we meet. We never met an ordinary person or a mere mortal. When we appreciate people the way Jesus did, then he will use us in their lives. And we will experience God’s joy.

Please check out our partner devotional podcast The Morning Mindset with Carey Green.

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